March 2024

ABE TURKIYE BIOETHICS TEACHER TRAINING COMPLETED The face-to-face ABE Turkiye Bioethics Teacher Training was completed on January 14, 2024 at the Middle East Technical University (METU) Biological Sciences Department İn Ankara. The training started with an ice breaking activity where the teachers…
Our ABE teachers Süleyman Atilla and Gizem Sarıyıldız collaborated with the philosophy teachers of their school and carried out Ethics and Bioethics implementations at Central Sınav College. With these implementations, our ABE teachers reached a total of 164 students from the 9th, 10th and 11th…
Amgen Biotechnology Experience (ABE) Program is carried out with the principles of equality, access, participation, sustainability and inclusion. In this context, the program tries to create opportunities that will provide all students with access to quality education. It aims to reduce…