Celebrating Science Week with Amgen Dun Laoghaire

Welcoming slide for ADL webinar

Síle Lane joined a webinar to mark Science Week 2020 with Amgen Dun Laoghaire. The online event included a series of short talks and aimed to introduce Amgen Dun Laoghaire staff to the Amgen Biotech Experience programme and encourage them to get involved.

Síle described the Amgen Biotech Experience programme in Ireland and told staff about ABE’s recent 30th anniversary. Hilary Rimbi, science teacher at St Andrew’s College, Booterstown, Co Dublin and an ABE Ireland teacher since 2014, spoke about the impact ABE has had on her teaching and students. She pointed out that students don’t just learn specific lab techniques but also develop skills in teamwork and collaboration. Then we heard from Diya Mecheri a former student at St Andrew’s who Hilary taught and who is now studying biomedical research at Trinity College Dublin. Diya told us that completing the ABE Ireland labs in school helped pique her curiosity about science and to understand how experiments are run.

Tara O’Reilly, senior communications manager at Amgen Dun Laoghaire, called on her colleagues to think about getting involved in outreach activities such as giving talks to school students in their local community about careers in science and technology.

Thank you to Hilary and Diya for your fantastic insights and to Tara for organising the event.

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