ABE Ireland
ABE has been in Ireland since 2014 and is hosted by Systems Biology Ireland in UCD, a research centre that specialises in the development of new treatments and diagnostics for diseases. Although based in UCD, there are distribution centres in Drumcondra Education Centre, Monaghan Education Centre, and Laois Education Centre. Training workshops are held in each of these locations every September, and teachers can collect kits from these venues throughout the year.
Teachers who take part in the training have access to professional grade scientific equipment and curriculum-linked teaching materials to teach these experiments to their students in school during the academic year. More information on teacher training can be found here.

Schools involved in ABE Ireland since its inception in 2014 can be seen below:

This is an excellent initiative that will strengthen our links with schools in the community and bring cutting-edge Irish research to classrooms. Importantly, it opens the eyes of pupils to career possibilities involving molecular biology such as the biotechnology industry that they may not have been aware of or considered previously.
- Professor Walter Kolch, Programme Lead and Director of Systems Biology Ireland

The Amgen Foundation seeks to advance excellence in science education to inspire the next generation of innovators, and invest in strengthening communities where Amgen staff members live and work. To date, the Foundation has donated more than $200 million in grants to local, regional and international nonprofit organizations that impact society in inspiring and innovative ways. Amgen Biotech Experience is an international program funded by the Amgen Foundation with direction and technical assistance provided by Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC)

ABE Ireland has been endorsed by Oide (previously the Professional Development Service for Teachers) and the Irish Science Teachers Association (ISTA). ABE Ireland has been involved in the Oide Creativity Series (previously JCT STEAM) since 2018.
Since 2023, Oide have covered travel expenses for teachers attending ABE Ireland workshops.

National Institute for Bioprocessing Research & Training (NIBRT) is a world-class institute that provides training and research solutions for the bioprocessing industry. NIBRT supports the bioprocessing industry by providing a unique learning experience for trainees in an environment that replicates the most modern industrial bioprocessing facility. In parallel, NIBRT undertake leading edge research in key areas of bioprocessing in collaboration with industry.