With ABE Türkiye Teacher Community A Wonderful Day at Hacettepe University Biosphere Museum!

As ABE Türkiye project team, we held an introductory event with our teachers at Hacettepe University Biosphere Museum on Monday, April 22, between 9:00-12:30.

During the event, Hacettepe University Biological Diversity Research and Application Center (HUBİOM) and Biosphere Museum Director Prof. Dr. Selim Sualp ÇAĞLAR; HUBIOM Deputy Director and Biosphere Museum Curator Prof. Dr. Yasemin SAYGI and Biosphere Museum Deputy Director and Curator Prof. Dr. Mahmut KABALAK gave speeches about the natural history and biodiversity museums in the world and in Türkiye, HUBİOM and the Biosphere Museum. Afterwards, a session was held where teachers shared collaboration ideas and questions about how they could use the museum. After this session, all sections of the museum were visited, accompanied by the explanations of the museum director and curators in the exhibition area. The event ended with a short end-of-day evaluation in which ABE teachers verbally shared their observations, suggestions and feelings about the museum.

After the event, participating teachers were also asked to express their opinions, suggestions about the museum and their ideas about possible collaborations in writing. Almost all ABE teachers emphasized that their knowledge about biodiversity increased with this event, and the importance of raising awareness among students by organizing out-of-school activities at different times at the Biosphere Museum, where they can relate to many topics in the curriculum.

As the ABE Türkiye team, we would like to thank HUBIOM and Biosphere Museum again for their hosting and support.