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Amgen Biotech Experience – Italy

Scientific Discovery for the Classroom

The Amgen Biotech Experience (ABE) is an innovative science education program that empowers teachers to bring biotechnology to their classrooms. ABE provides teacher professional development, curriculum materials, and research-grade equipment and supplies to perform experiments at school.

ABE is an international program with 25 partners, distributed in three continents. It is coordinated by the EDC (Education Development Center) from Boston (USA) and supported by the AMGEN Foundation.

ABE Italy is coordinated by the National Association of Natural Sciences Teachers (ANISN), together with many partners, such as the University of Naples "Federico II", IBBR (Institute for Biosciences and Bioresources of the National Research Council), the Scuola Superiore Meridionale (SSM), and the University of Camerino.

The Amgen Foundation was established in 1991 by Amgen, one of the world’s leading biotechnology companies; Amgen is a company deeply rooted in science and innovation to transform new ideas and discoveries into medicines for patients with serious illnesses.

As Amgen’s principal channel for corporate philanthropy, Amgen Foundation works with expert partners to provide best-in-class science education programs free of cost to teachers and students. In 2021, the programs of the Amgen Foundation reached 27 million people worldwide. The Amgen Foundation brings the excitement of discovery to the scientists of tomorrow through its signature programs, including LabXchange, Amgen Scholars, and the Amgen Biotech Experience.


Before starting to explore the ABE world, be inspired by the remote labs on LabXchange, a free platform for scientific education created by Harvard University with support from Amgen Foundation. In addition to the virtual laboratories, you will find a huge amount of scientific content coming from all over the world. If you want to become part of our community, you will be able to share your content, create virtual classrooms and build innovative learning experiences using LabXchange.