May 2017 Blog Post
Best Education Outreach Award Goes to Amgen Biotech Experience Ireland!

Last night, educators from all across Ireland gathered at the Ballsbridge Hotel in Dublin to find out who the winners were of this year's inaugural Education Award ceremony. The purpose of this event is to recognize excellence in the third level education sector in Ireland.
Just a few hours earlier, the same venue had been site of the Education Awards' sister event, the Irish Laboratory Awards. At the Laboroatory Awards, our South Dublin host institute, Systems Biology Ireland, UCD, won the Education Laboratory of the Year Award. This was partly due to the success of the Amgen Biotech Experience programme, and thus a good sign for the upcoming Education Awards. However, we were competing against seven other education programmes. All of them had done fantastic work involving students and the public in concepts of science, environment, design and many other areas of education. Thus we felt honoured and proud when Amgen Biotech Experience Ireland was announced as the winner of the Best Education Outreach Award! It is a great recognition for the programme and all the work we put in over the last three years.