My school does not have some of these equipment. Is it still possible to conduct the programme?
My school does not have some of these equipment. Is it still possible to conduct the programme?
An “Equipment checklist” form will be sent to schools prior to the start of the programme. This will enable Science Centre to know what equipment is available in schools and what equipment we will need to provide. However, the items below are the most important to have on hand, if possible:
- Lab grade freezer (-20°C) or fridge (4°C)
Some of the reagents are temperature sensitive. Schools should minimally have a household freezer and fridge to keep the reagents. However, do note that the success rate of the experiments may be affected if the reagents are stored in a household freezer or fridge over prolonged periods.
- Microwave
The microwave is required to prepare the agarose gel for Lab 4. If this is not available, please inform Science Centre and we will suggest alternative methods.
- Autoclave machine
The biohazard wastes can be returned to Science Centre where we will autoclave them before disposal.
During the teacher workshop, teachers will be advised on some alternatives that can be done if some equipment or materials are not available in the school. Alternatively, schools can consider to do some of the labs that require more advanced equipment (e.g., Lab 5–8) in Science Centre.