Upcoming Events and Workshops


To be eligible to obtain the research-grade lab equipment, reagents and supplies needed to implement the ABE lab curriculum in the classroom, teachers need to attend one of our teacher training workshops. Our training workshops are free of charge. Upcoming workshops and applications are posted below.

If you have any questions, please check our FAQs page. Contact ABE-LA team (abe@lapromisefund.org) with any additional questions or to be placed on our workshop interest list. 


Virtual Grant Writing Workshop Series

1- Equipment Planning Virtual Workshop

Date: May 22, 2024 | Time: 3:30-5:00 pm | Location: Zoom

Description: Karin Steinhauer, ABE Master Technician, will provide comparisons of various equipment models used by the ABE distribution centers and provide comments on other models. Equipment priority purchasing decisions and various vendor tips will be shared. Equipment list will be shared to help plan for future grants and purchases. 

Register here! 


2- Fundraising with Private Foundations and Social Platforms Virtual Workshop

Date: May 28, 2024 | Time: 3:30-5:30 | Location: Zoom

Description: Teachers Lisa Miller (Mission Viejo HS) and Michele Naber (El Toro HS) will share their experiences about raising funds to pay for biotechnology equipment in their classrooms.  Application tips for small grants from private foundations and fundraising platforms will be shared.

 Register here! 

3- Planning for State and Federal Grants Virtual Workshop 

Date: May 29, 2024 | Time: 3:30-5:00 pm | Location: Zoom 

Description: Dr. Jo Wu, Fullerton College Professor Emeritus, will share her knowledge and experience navigating the grant planning process of state and federal grants. This discussion will include practical grant application advice and grant writing resources to help you access funds for your classrooms!

Register here! 


ABE-LA Teacher Recognition Event

Dates: June 14, 2024 | Time: 11:00-3:00 pm Location: BioscienceLA 

Calling all ABE-trained teachers! Join us for a day filled with celebration, appreciation, and valuable insights! Our upcoming teacher recognition event promises to be an enriching experience, featuring an introduction to Bioscience LA and an engaging panel discussion on biotechnology careers. Distinguished industry speakers representing both scientific and non-scientific career paths in biopharma will impart valuable perspectives. This event offers ample networking opportunities during lunch and coffee breaks, allowing you to engage with the presenters, mingle with your peers, and connect with your dedicated ABE-LA team. Mark your calendars to celebrate your participation in ABE-LA, acknowledge your achievements, and recognize your contributions. Stay tuned for further details.

Please note: This event is exclusively reserved for ABE-LA trained teachers.



Summer Complete Genetic Engineering Sequence PDI at The Huntington Library, Art Museum, and Botanical Gardens 

Dates: July 8 - 11, 2024 | Location: The Huntington Library and Botanical Gardens | Rooms: TBD

Description: This Professional Development Institute is designed for teachers new to the ABE program and veteran ABE teachers who are seeking a refresher to review the biotechnology curriculum for the Complete Genetic Engineering Sequence (Labs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and Colony PCR). This workshop is free of charge to all participants. Once trained, ABE teachers can borrow research-grade lab equipment and receive reagents and supplies to implement the ABE lab curriculum into their classroom. This training is designed for high school teachers. 

Registration | Parking and Campus Directions