ABE Volunteer Program (AVP)

Are you interested in having biotech professionals visit your classroom to share stories about their career pathways with your ABE students? If so, consider taking part in the ABE Volunteer Program.

We believe that if students can’t see themselves reflected in biotech careers, they won’t pursue them. It is the goal of the Amgen Foundation and the ABE Program Office to bring a diverse group of Amgen staff into classrooms to share their experiences in school and in life toward achieving their goals of working in biotech, whether in research and development, marketing and communications, information technology, manufacturing, or accounting! All jobs are necessary to make a biotechnology company run successfully.

If you would like to participate in the program, you can reach out to Kerry Ouellet (kouellet@edc.org), AVP manager at the ABE Program Office or abe@lapromisefund.org to be connected. 

Experience the AVP through the eyes of teachers and volunteers by reading news posts, blog posts, and career profiles published on the ABE website:

Biotechnology Job Resources:



Classroom visits to Chelsea, Massachusetts (left) and Sun Valley, California (right)