🧠 Conceptually Refreshed, Professionally Empowered! πŸ’‘

During the refresher sessions held in January and February, we revisited scientific concepts with our teachers, corrected misconceptions, and further strengthened our professional competencies! πŸš€

πŸ“… January 22 - DNA Isolation 🧬 | 18 teachers
πŸ“… January 29 - Micropipette Usage πŸ† | 14 teachers
πŸ“… February 5 - Gel Electrophoresis ⚑ | 22 teachers

Session Highlights

🎯 Engaging Start: We explored common misconceptions through Kahoot!
πŸ’‘ In-Depth Discussion: We analyzed key points in detail after addressing questions.

πŸ” Teacher Feedback:
πŸ’¬ "Starting the session with a game sparked my curiosityβ€”β€˜What might I have misunderstood?’ That was the best part!"
πŸ’¬ "It was highly productive as we addressed common mistakes made by both teachers and students."
πŸ’¬ "While solving questions, I realized the errors I had mistakenly believed to be correct."

We come together to continuously learn, grow, and build a stronger education! 🌟