ABE Italy Event - Exploring the symphonies of Molecular Biology
17 Jun 2023

The second edition of the ABE Italy event "The art of teaching to ignite the passion for Science - Exploring the symphonies of Molecular Biology" will take place in Spoleto (Perugia) on July 7th, 2023, at the cinema "Sala Pegasus".
The event will start at 9:30am, with introductory statements from the local Authorities and the ABE project managers, and will last until 7:00pm. In addition to the many talks, the event will conclude with contributions by teachers and students involved in the ABE Italy project, with a moment of recognition for the ABE Italy Teachers, and with the delivery of the "Francesca Traclò" award.
For information and contacts, please write to info.abe@anisn.it