ABE Blended course for veteran teachers: Exploring Precision Medicine

Executive directors of the training course: Ilaria Caldarelli and Silvia Bellocchio. ABE Italy ambassadors and members of the ABE Italy training team.
Sofia platform code: 76561
Applications can be submitted from the 20th of September to the 31st of October.
The training course is aimed at veteran ABE Italy teachers working in the regions where the program is active: Lombardy, Campania, Lazio, Apulia, Basilicata, Umbria, Marche, Abruzzo, Molise, Emilia Romagna, Sicily.
The course will be enacted in blended mode and will last 15 hours in total, divided between the following phases:
- a first phase (6h) of distance learning, with two-hour long meetings (from 5pm to 7pm) in November 2022 (9th, 10th and 11th)
- a second phase (4h), which will happen in-person, with experimental activities (PTC - PhenylThioCarbamide - labs). The experimental phase will happen on a single afternoon (3-4 h) in various Italian locations, according to the dates and times in the attached schedule.
- a third phase (5h) of implementation at school. ABE Italy will provide equipment and reagents free of charge, for up to two weeks, in order for teachers to perform the laboratory experiments with students at school.
The experimental phase will take place, during the afternoon, in five different regions and will be organised by the local ABE Italy coordinators, together with research institutes or ABE schools.
See the attached training schedule (in Italian) for more details about the contents and specific information for the experimental phase and contact details.