Registration for the International Training Program ABE Italy 2020 ‐ 2021

International Training Program ABE Italy 2020 ‐ 2021
Introduction to the AMGEN Biotech Experience (ABE)
SOFIA platform code 48705
High school Science teachers from Campania, Lazio, Apulia, Basilicata, Umbria, Marche, Abruzzo, Emilia Romagna, Sicily.
The international training course will be in English. Attendees will come from 18 different countries out of 3 continents. It will include 5 synchronous 90-minute meetings from September 28th to October 2nd. It is primarily intended for teacher who have never taken part to the ABE Italy program or to veteran ABE Italy teachers. The program will include ABE laboratory simulations on LabXchange, scientific talks, inquiry activities. It is meant as an optional online course and pre-workshop for the in-person experimental phase (phase 2) that will take place in January and February 2021 at the Italian ABE Italy centers, in association with phase 2 of the Italian course "INTRODUZIONE ALL'AMGEN BIOTECH EXPERIENCE Corso blended ABE Italy 2020-2021". Thus, to access phase 2, interested teachers will have to also register to the Italian course (SOFIA platform code 48725).
Only teachers from the specified regions can take part in the course.
- Monday, 28 September (7:30pm–9:00pm UTC) (21:30 – 23 Italian time)
- Tuesday, 29 September (7:30pm–9:00pm UTC) (21:30 – 23 Italian time)
- Wednesday, 30 September (7:30pm–9:00pm UTC) (21:30 – 23 Italian time)
- Thursday, 1 October (7:30pm–9:00pm UTC) (21:30 – 23 Italian time)
- Friday, 2 October (7:30pm–9:00pm UTC) (21:30 – 23 Italian time)
Registration is compulsory, the deadline is the 25th of September: Registration link
For more information about ABE Italy, write to: