ABE Convention at the University of Naples Federico II

The art of teaching to ignite the passion for Science
Biotechnology at school with inquiry-based learning
On September 23rd, 2019 the Sala Azzurra of the Monte S. Angelo complex of the University of Naples Federico II hosted the ABE Convention "The art of teaching to ignite the passion for Science - Biotechnology at school with inquiry-based learning".
The event featured personalities from the University of Naples Federico II, the AMGEN Foundation and the ABE project, together with international guests from the United States, France and Israel.
On the morning of the same day, there has also been a preview exhibit of LabXchange, an online platform that hosts resources for Science teaching and allows students, teachers and researchers across the world to connect and share their experiences.
Press review (IT):
- Press release
- Doctor33.it
- Adnkronos Salute
- Romasociale.com
- Napoli.virgilio.it
- Ildenaro.it
- http://www.unina.it/-/19550505-the-art-of-teaching-to-ignite-the-passion-for-science-
- http://www.indire.it/2019/09/17/diventare-scienziati-con-il-laboratorio-in-classe-a-napoli-e-a-firenze-due-incontri-sul-programma-internazionale-amgen-biotech-experience/