Amgen Biotech Experience 2018/19 training program
8 Jan 2019

From the 14th to the 17th of January, 2019 the Amgen Biotech Experience training course will take place in Naples. It is aimed at Secondary School teachers, and it is organized by the ABE site Italy of the National Association of Natural Sciences Teachers - ANISN and the Department of Biology of the University of Naples "Federico II", in partnership with the ABE site Massachusets at Harvard Universiy.
The course aims to:
- Promote Biotechnology-related knowledge, integrating it in a coherent teaching plan, which is functional to decoding their scientific rigour, potential and application limits.
- Update and innovate the contents and methods for teaching-learning scientific subjects, in particular through the progressive acquisition of IBSE (Inquiry Based Science Education).
- Encourage the employment of laboratory techniques that require the acquisition of specific experimental abilities, that are necessary to develop innovative educational paths in the field of Biotechnologies, in order to stimulate the students' interest.
- Stimulate and support international exchange and cooperation with prestigious scientific realities, that are experts in innovative teaching approaches, such as IBSE, which is still not widespread in Italy.
- Foster and sustain the development of a plan in which ABE is coherent with the "Indicazioni Nazionali", as well as an evaluation process that the participating teachers can use through tools (science book, grids, keys) that are adequate to the formative and summative assessment of students.
Program of the training course (in Italian)