IBSE Centre and ABE Site Italy Satellite Centre in Foligno Launch Event
5 Nov 2018

ABE site Italy satellite centre in Foligno launch event poster
The launch event for the ABE site Italy satellite centre in Foligno will take place on November 9th, 2018, at 15:00.
For this occasion, the "Laboratorio di Scienze Sperimentali" in Foligno will host Pierluigi Mingarelli (director of the Laboratorio), Silvano Tagliagambe (science philosopher), Anna Pascucci (ABE site Italy director and ANISN president) and Luigina Renzi (director of the ABE site Italy satellite centre in Foligno and ANISN Umbria president).
The training course for secondary school Science teachers from Lazio, Abruzzo, Umbria and Marche will start in February 2019.