Registration to the free ABE site Italy 2018-2019 training course

Registrations for the Amgen Biotech Experience training course organised by the ABE Site Italy are open.
The first training course, which will be held in Naples, Department of Biology, University of Naples, from the 14th to the 18th of January 2019, is targeted at secondary school Science teachers from Campania, Basilicata, Molise and Apulia, and its ID on the SOFIA platform is 20366.
The second training course will be held in Foligno, Experimental Sciences Laboratory, from the 11th to the 14th of February 2019, and is targeted at secondary school Science teachers from Umbria, Abruzzo, Marche and Lazio; its ID on the SOFIA platform is 20445.
The course is free for all of the participants.
AMGEN BIOTECH EXPERIENCE (ABE) is an international training program on Biotechnologies for Science teachers in secondary school. In Italy, it is available for teachers from Campania, Umbria, Basilicata, Abruzzo, Marche, Molise, Apulia and Lazio, and offers them on-site experimental training, developed according to the IBSE approach, free instrumentation and materials for the implementation at school with their students.
ANISN, in cooperation with the University of Naples "Federico II", is part of the worldwide ABE Site network (including sites in USA, China, Singapore, Australia, Canada and Europe). In particular, the ABE Site Italy ( is twinned with the ABE Site Massachusetts (USA) at Harvard University.
The training will take place in Naples for teachers from Campania, Basilicata, Molise and Apulia, and in Foligno (PG) for teachers from Umbria, Abruzzo, Marche and Lazio, and they consist in three compulsory stages:
- 1st stage: 4 consecutive days of on-site teacher training
- 2nd stage: classroom experimentation with students for at least 20 hours, in curricular or extra-curricular time. (January/February - May 2019). The ABE Site Italy will support the teachers in the classroom implementation stage: experimental and methodological guides will be provided, as well as reagents and instrumentation (micropipettes, electrophoresis boxes, PCR) in loan for use.
- 3rd stage: off-site participation in the Italian ABE community; access to the international community; small-groups meetings; involvement in public events for restitution and dissemination.
The ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS are specified in the attachments on the "Piattaforma SOFIA" (click on "MAGGIORI DETTAGLI").
Teachers intending to take part in the course need to subscribe on the SOFIA platform and send the required documents to the address: - by November 10th, 2018. Admission will be notified by e-mail between November 20th, 2018 and November 30th, 2018.