Man standing by wall art saying "Chicago"

About ABE

Amgen Biotech Experience (ABE) is an innovative science education program that introduces students to the excitement of scientific discovery and builds bridges between school and the real-life biosciences. ABE prepares the next generation of scientists and innovators and provides access to cutting-edge science through four key areas:

  • Teaching Resources and Equipment.
  • Teacher Professional Learning and Community.
  • Connecting Scientists to Classrooms.
  • Equity and Access in STEM.

The Amgen Biotech Experience is an international education program funded by the Amgen Foundation. Additional funding and support are provided by Student Experience in Research and Creative Activity (SERCA).

To be eligible to obtain the research-grade lab equipment, reagents and supplies needed to implement the ABE lab curriculum in the classroom, teachers need to attend one of our teacher training workshops. Our training workshops are free of charge. Upcoming workshops and applications are posted below.

If you have any questions, please check our FAQs page. Contact the ABE-TR team with any additional questions or to be placed on our workshop interest list. Event Photo/Video Release. Our workshop schedule is here - Workshop Schedule.