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Plate Storage:
You will receive your plates at the same time you receive your competent cells. Plates should be stored at 4°C (in a regular refrigerator), upside down, until you are ready to use them. They can be removed from the refrigerator up to an hour before use.

Lab Waste from Labs 1-4

  • Throw waste in regular garbage. DO NOT add to provided autoclave bags.

Lab Waste from Lab 5/5a and Colony PCR


This video demonstrates how to use PCR to determine if the rfp gene is present in the white and pink colonies from Laboratory 5.


Laboratory 1.2 is an introduction to gel electrophoresis, a technique used to separate and identify mixtures of biomolecules based on the size and charge of the components. This video demonstrates how to set up the gel chamber and load samples of dyes onto a gel.


This video demonstrates the digestion of the pKAN-R and pARA plasmids using restriction enzymes to separate the genes of interest and later ligate them to create a new plasmid.


This video demonstrates the digestion of the pARA-R plasmid using restriction enzymes, allowing for the verification that the rfp gene is present.