Call for applications to the Scuola Superiore Meridionale

A call for applications to the courses of the "Scuola Superiore Meridionale" of Naples for the 2022/23 academic year has been published, with a deadline of the 29th of August.
The Scuola Superiore Meridionale (SSM) is a Higher Education Institution that was established in 2019, which is located at the University of Naples Federico II. As it does not provide full university degrees, the students selected to study at the SSM are also enrolled in a course at the University of Naples Federico II, where they complete their basic training; the SSM instead provides additional teaching (supplementary courses, tutoring activities, laboratory courses and seminars). Students at the SSM are also entitled to free room and board at the School's residences, as well as free tuition and a small annual bursary.
Applications to the first year courses are open to students who have obtained a qualification that is sufficient to access courses in Italian universities and have obtained a minimum grade of 85/100 in their secondary high school qualification. Applications to the fourth year courses are open to those who have obtained (or will obtain by the 31st of October) a bachelor's degree (or equivalent) that can be used to access Master's degrees at Italian universities, with a final grade of no less than 105/110.
The SSM also provides PhD courses, which are open to those who have obtained (or will obtain before the deadline for enrolling in the PhD course) a Master's degree or equivalent title. The deadline for applications to the PhD courses is the 24th of August.
For more information, please visit the website of the SSM: