Our ABE Experience

MiniOne gel electrophoresis

Posters showcasing teaching resources, evaluation, and educational research by ABE Italy staff members


A double interview with Chiara Garulli and Daniela Frugis, ABE Teachers at the Liceo "Giacomo Leopardi" in Recanati (Macerata), who recount their experience with ABE and IBSE (Inquiry Based Science Education).


In this video by the students of the Liceo "Marie Curie" of Meda (MB), lab equipment and reagents come alive to tell us their story.


Students of the Liceo "Giacomo Leopardi" of Recanati (MC) tell us the story of a transformed bacterium.


The students from IIS "Carlo e Nello Rosselli" in Aprilia (LT) report their experience in the precision medicine ABE course.


Students from class 5A and 5B LS of the I.S. R. Mattioli - S. D'Acquisto in San Salvo (CH) describe their ABE experience involving micropipettes, gel electrophoresis and PCR:


The students from class 2D IPSIA of the I.S. R. Mattioli - S. D'Acquisto in San Salvo (CH) demonstrate their progress with micropipettes and gel electrophoresis.


Thanks to ABE we were able to apply the knowledge about Biotechnologies that we acquired during the course of our studies at ITS Sturzo using the provided equipment. [...] We have therefore acquired, [...] above all, the practical awareness of how modular Biotechnology is, in a path that has always fascinated us for its surprising possibilities of applications and development.

Students from class VS of ITS Sturzo of Castellammare di Stabia (NA, Campania)

I found an excellent balance between scientific content, laboratory techniques and teaching methods. There was always time to think and discuss on what we did, why we did it, and what implications this could have on our teaching practices in classroom. [...] My selfconfidence has increased over time, together with excitement and motivation. Once I came back to my school, I was very surprised to see how all this was contagious, like a virus, for my colleagues and also my students still before starting the lab activities. Many thanks to the ABE team for this amazing experience!

Maria Angela Fontechiari, Liceo Classico Romagnosi, Parma (PR)

Every student has expressed curiosity and interest to the project for many reasons:

  • First of all they are fascinated and always attracted to lab activities because they can practice and apply immediately what they learn. To be protagonists is always more constructive than to be spectators. The use of innovative tools and inquiring method has allowed to look beyond and to project themselves into the world of scientific research.
  • Secondly it has been particularly favorable to manage activities and to learn contents that are right in their exam program.
  • Discussing together, comparing ideas and find solutions to problems has been the right conclusion of every working day.

Our school was proud to have taken part in this initiative.

Cecilia Fontanella, Maria Pontrandolfi, LS Giovanni da Procida, Salerno

The strongest point of this project is that both teachers (first) and students (then) have the great opportunity of a “hands-on” laboratory experience that helps to build up their “minds-on” understanding of the fundamental concepts of biology and biotechnology. At the same time, students have the chance to develop their first scientific skills while working on a project which follows the path of real research. Perhaps, this is the key-point, which stimulates and excites both students and teachers. The experience becomes even more meaningful by the fact that the same work is carried out around the world giving the real feeling of an international community moving in the same direction.

ABE project representatives for ISS Pitagora, Pozzuoli (NA)

The inquiry based learning approach emphasised the students role in the teaching process, students were encouraged to explore materials, ask questions, share ideas in contrast with the traditional education which generally relies on the teacher presenting contents. [...] It would be highly desirable particularly in the scientific field, to apply always this type of approach which is also very inclusive.

Antonio Perretti, IIS "De Sarlo - De Lorenzo", Latronico (PZ, Basilicata)

In this program the students have had the opportunity to learn about biotechnological research with procedures, techniques and tools that let the biotechnological industry make human insulin or other life-saving drugs, starting from genetically modified bacteria.

After the training of the teachers at Abe Site – Italy, thanks to the use of materials published on AMGEN’s web site and the MINI ONE SYSTEM kit, teacher and students carried out the biotech laboratory experience that couldn’t be done in an easier way. After this experience, the students were able to do the electrophoresis, to use the micropipettes, to work with tiny fragments of DNA.

According to the IBSE approach, the students have learned to work in groups, to share the performances and results of their lab experience and to learn from their mistakes.

Amgen Biotech Experience represented a great training opportunity for the teachers and AMGEN Biotech Experience Program was very much appreciated by students, parents, colleagues and headmasters.

Antonietta Di Adila, LS G. Marconi, Foggia (FG, Apulia)
Annamaria Continillo

The experience we had with ABE has offered us a unique opportunity to reflect on teaching methodologies, combining theory and experimental procedures. It was so exciting to participate in this program which promoted cooperation between schools and University and posed a new, great challenge : teaching in a more effective way, trying to keep our methodologies up to date, giving our students the knowledge and the tools to understand and operate in an ever changing world. Many thanks to the whole organization, it was absolutely perfect! I hope ABE program will soon involve schools all over Italy, and that it will result in improved teaching practices on a large scale.

Annamaria Continillo, Istituto Industriale Statale G. Siani, Napoli
Teachers with lab coat

Participation in the ABE program has contributed to remodel my technical skills. Thanks to ABE I have been introduced to the modern world of biotechnology not only from a procedural points of view but also from a methodological ones. This added value will allow me to proceed also in methodological harmony in supporting the teachers of my school. I believe that this process has greatly enriched my technical knowledges paving the way to be aware of the needs of methodological skills. I hope that ABE program in Italy will engage the majority of schools in order to create an active network of teachers and lab technicians

Maurizio Polito, Lab technician Istituto Industriale Statale G. Siani, Napoli
Silvia Maria Lippo

Thanks very much to all the staff who thought and organized this theoretical - practical course! Although I was very tired because of many hours of work, I feel more satisfied about my teaching and full of new ideas for my students... When I met them for the first lesson after the course and told them about my experience - that would be either for me or for them - pupils showed great enthusiasm and looked forward to beginning as soon as possible. I'm surprised that at my age I feel as a novice teacher and I'm sorry I'll retire school in ten years!!!!

Silvia Maria Lippo, Liceo Scientifico A. Labriola, Napoli
Luigina Renzi

Knowledge of contents and inquiry methodology find their paces in ABE; methods and contents flow through swinging doors, and this synergy become astonishing and breathtaking for secondary school teachers. During this experience I filled my teacher suitcase with science tools and motivation, enthusiasm and expertise, eager to pass them to my students. I am grateful to ABE Italy team for this incredible experience!

Luigina Renzi, Liceo Scientifico Sansi-Leonardi-Volta, Spoleto (PG)