1 Millionth Student Celebration
During September, we had some special events at ABE Brazil to celebrate the mark of 1 Million students worldwide participating in the Amgen Biotech Experience.
First, on September 09, we took some teachers, students, and interns who participated in the project during our last cycle to visit the Amgen Brazil Lab. There, we learned more about what Amgen does here in the country and how they incorporate their values into every step of developing new medicines and distributing them around the world.
It has been an opportunity for this group to talk to different stakeholders of the pharmaceutical business and to get inside a quality-control pharmaceutical lab.
Left: one of our students who is participating in ABE with us. Right: ABE Brazil team, teachers,
and students visiting the Amgen Brazil Lab
After that, we had a second celebration at Mackenzie University: together with the 50th anniversary of the Biology Course, we shared the joy of being part of ABE and contributing to the mark of 1 million students worldwide. At this event, we had many alumni who today are public school teachers, and we invited them to get to know the ABE curriculum and practices, by exploring the teacher and student guides, checking out the equipment we have available for lending to schools, and participating in the micropipetting art ativity.

ABE Brazil team showing our resources to new teachers at our celebration of the
ABE 1 millionth student in Mackenzie University